Monday, June 28, 2021

A Day to Remember

I never imagined that we might see temperatures like this in the Willamette Valley, where our average high for June 28 is about 75 degrees.

It was almost as bad yesterday during the Garden Tour. Our house was on the tour and I was outside all morning, with temperatures well above 100, reaching 110 by the time we quit, and topping out at 112 for the day.

Overnight, the low only dropped to 75, our usual high, a record high overnight low, and it was over 100 well before noon, topping out at 115 about 3:30 this afternoon. Fortunately, a cold front came through and it dropped 20 degrees in about 30 minutes later on.

So many of our plants suffered so much damage, despite my irrigating heavily in the days leading up to and during this heat wave. I hope we never see these temperatures again.

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