Saturday, July 30, 2022

A Surprise Visit

Late last week, Carter called me to start scheming on how to surprise his mother with a visit. Ann returned at the end of the conversation and I had to fake talking to someone else to preserve the surprise. Carter, being really quick witted, was fast on the uptake and got off the line.

Emma and Carter Surprised Ann

It is his summer block leave from the Army and he and his new wife Emma left Ft. Carson in Colorado Springs for a stay with Emma's grandmother in Geyserville (Sonoma). Carter was proposing to drive back from California via Bend and surprise Ann, whom he had already told that a visit this time would be impossible for reason of needing to close on his house back in the Springs.

There's a lot going on for Carter, eh? New wife, new house, and lots of homeowner and husband responsibilities that he's going to have to get up to speed on, really fast.

Long and short, Carter and Emma would drive through the night Monday, to arrive Tuesday morning and stay with us Tuesday night. Now, Ann is the snoop of all snoops and it is damn near impossible to surprise her, so Carter and I kept our radio silence until we exchanged last minute planning texts late on Monday evening. After texting him, I would text someone else so that the conversation chain with Carter would not be the first thing Ann would see if she were to glance at my phone.

We arranged it so that they would arrive in the morning while Ann and I were having coffee and doing our customary NYT Sunday crossword. I left the front door unlocked and texted Carter to come on in and surprise Ann. I figured the chances were slim as he has one of those very loudly tuned cars that all the cool kids drive: I could hear it coming down the street from a block away. Also, our front door sticks and I heard them open it. Ann apparently did not and I quickly engaged her in conversation about a puzzle clue to mask the stealthy creep down the hall.

Yes! We surprised the not easily surprised Ann!

Early Lunch: Chiang Mai-Style That at Wild Rose
Fun and Games with the Polaroid Camera at Spoken Moto
Goofballs at Crux
Crux Goodies for Back Home
Cards Against Humanity: How Low Can We Go?
Apparently Low Enough for Raucous Laughter
Dinner: Sōmen Salad with Shrimp and Edamame

Wednesday morning after our totally unexpected but most enjoyable visit with the kids, they headed back to Colorado and we headed west to the coast to escape the 100+ temperatures.

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